As I saw 15N and her baby heifer laying here in the field, I could not help but reflect on my memories of my children when they were younger. It is very funny how the strangest things can bring back memories. I also remembered laying on the couch with my daddy the day of my wedding. This brought me to the realization that my daughter is about to get married and give me a wonderful son and three grandchildren. There are many more wonderful reflections and memories that will be looked back on in the future!
Some of the memories I have are of cattle. I remember showing cattle and laying on them in the stalls at shows. It was really interesting to hear the comments visitors to the Missouri State Fair would make as they saw you 'napping' on a large bull. We were really only pretending so you could hear what they said! Ok, sometimes we actually fell asleep because they were so comfortable. There are many pictures of myself, my siblings and my children laying on the show animals at shows and at home. I have a feeling there will be some of my grandchildren before the summer is over.
Watching young children touch their first cow is always a fun experience. Frequently at the Missouri State Fair and other shows, we allow young children to pet our animals (with us of course, safety FIRST). It is really fun to watch their facial expressions and those of their parents. Some of the parents have not touched a cow either. This was hard to explain to my children because they grew up around them. We had to explain to them that not everyone has the opportunity to walk out in the pasture and pet their cattle. Not even everyone whom has cattle can pet theirs in the pasture. My daughter realized this when she worked for a vet one summer. It really hit home for her how calm how herd was compared to many others. We cull (sell) if the disposition is not very calm.
What are some of your favorite reflections and memories? Take a few minutes and travel down memory lane, it is a fun place to visit.
Until next time, remember.......Beef, It's What's for Dinner!
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