Our plans last night were to relax before we get swamped with wedding stuff. Guess what? Those changed!
When we were doing chores, we found a calf that would not get up. We got him in the barn and gave him medications that were needed and then gave him electrolytes (like Gatorade). He received two doses of electrolytes last night. After each one he seemed a little better. This morning he was getting up and standing on his own so I let mom in so he could nurse for five minutes. Why just five minutes? He has had scours (diarrhea) and so too much of mom's milk too fast could make them worse. We limit amount of nursing time so that he can continue to recover. This will need to be done at least three times today along with electrolytes to keep him from dehydrating. We are praying that God saves him, but helping that out by treating him with the resources we have at our disposal.
While we had to change our plans, this is something that happens when dealing with animals. It's just like changing plans because you have a sick child, except this child can not tell me what is wrong with him. I have to play detective and figure it out for myself. Fortunately, after living on the farm all of my life the detective work is much easier than it used to be for me. Take care of yourselves and those you love.
Until next time, remember.......Beef, It's What's for Dinner!
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