This was the day that the Grandchildren had been preparing for during the last six months. All of the work they done leading their calves, brushing them, feeding them, washing them, drying them and clipping them was about to pay off in the ring!
At 5:30 AM my alarm went off. I got up and got Ashley, Mike and Jeff up. We then got all four of the others up so that we could load the trailer before the downpours showing on radar got to us. Surprisingly, all of the kids got up the first time they were told (this would have never happened a few short months ago). While they were all getting ready, I was packing sandwich items in a cooler for our lunches and loading this stuff in the car. When everyone was up, dressed and all of their show clothes were in my car it was time to go. Mike and Jeff took the Alan, Toby, Jarren and Tama to load the trailer. Ashley and I left for the show so that we could get spots in the barn since the forecast called for rain most of the day. At 6:15 AM the trailer pulled in and it was time to unload and set up the stall. Everyone worked together and it only took us 20 minutes to unload trailer and set up stall area! I was so proud of all of them.
Now it was time to feed the heifers and see if they needed washed. Due to the rain, we decided that the spots that needed washing could be done in the barn with a bucket of soapy water and a brush. This kept all of us in out of the lightening. They then brushed their calves after they had been dried with the blower. The Grandchildren then got to enjoy some down time while they ate breakfast and kept an eye on their heifers. All of the sudden a heifer (not ours this time) slipped out of her halter and out of the barn. You heard the words, "Loose calf!" All of us that have been showing for years jump up and run out and help get her back in the barn where she can be haltered. We then talked to the Grandchildren about how important it is to help others that are having trouble with animals because at some point you WILL need their help, too.
The kids all enjoyed their day and got some great experience! Alan even won his showmanship class! We were proud of all them. It was nice to have all four generations of the family spending the day together and enjoying themselves. We also enjoyed visits from Jerry and Jill Zvacek and Susan. Thank you all for coming to support those that were showing. Your support means more to all of us than words can say. I was a VERY proud Mom and Grandma that day. To see how much the Grandchildren had grown in the responsibility and respect and how much my Children were helping them grow made me tear up when I thought about it that night.
Until next time, remember.......Beef, It's What's for Dinner!
It was such a blessing to be able to show in the same ring as my children! They did a wonderful job! I'm so glad so many people came out to support them!! Thank you everyone!!